Friday, September 10, 2004

Columnist enters bid for new College president: Sep. 10, 2004

link to article--The Flat Hat, Williamsburg, VA

"This is why I humbly submit myself as a candidate for the next president of the College. By the time Sullivan steps down June 30, 2005, I will be an unemployed graduate. There just happens to be a job opening around the same time as graduation, so why not? The next president needs to have his ear to the ground and his finger on the pulse of this great college and its town. Current faculty or an alumnus wouldn't have any problems with this, but a recent graduate would have even less trouble. Besides, what if we find out that the new president is allergic to brick? My immune system has been battle-tested against such ailments. Plus, as far as fundraising is concerned, I think I could find a way to keep the ball rolling. I can meet state legislators. I'll ask them for their screen names. "


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